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佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham
"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
看看 Read also 迦南 Canaan
輩份不分 Mix Generations http://mixgenerations.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 拉結 Rachel ( שׂ dot on left 生s)
拉結生 Rachel sons http://rachelsons.blogspot.com/
第1位太太利亞 1st wife Leah:
呂便 Reuben
1444 B.C. the camp & the banner/standard of the camp
看看 Read also 迦南 Canaan
輩份不分 Mix Generations http://mixgenerations.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 拉結 Rachel ( שׂ dot on left 生s)
拉結生 Rachel sons http://rachelsons.blogspot.com/
The children of the 4 wives of Israel (Jacob):
第1位太太利亞 1st wife Leah:
呂便 Reuben
西緬 Simeon
猶大 Judah
以薩迦 Issachar
西布倫 Zebulun
利未的後裔 from Levi:
利未的後裔 from Levi:
東 East: 摩西 Moses & 亞倫 Aaron
南 South: 哥轄族 Kohathites
西 West: 革順族 Gershonites
北 North: 米拉利族 Merarites
第2位太太拉結 2nd wife Rachel:
便雅憫 Benjamin
便雅憫 Benjamin
約瑟的兒子們 sons of Joseph:
大月(肉)氏 Manasseh
小月(肉)氏 Ephraim
第3位太太辟拉 3rd wife Bilhah:
旦 Dan
旦 Dan
拿弗他利 Naphtali
第4位太太悉帕 4th wife Zilpah:
迦得 Gad
迦得 Gad
亞設 Asher
1445 B.C. to 1406 B.C.:
left before Canaan was reached.
1405 B.C. to 1100 B.C.:
1405 B.C. to 1100 B.C.:
left after settled in Canaan.
1444 B.C. the camp and the banner/standard of the camp of the 12 tribes.
1444 B.C. the camp and the banner/standard of the camp of the 12 tribes.
東: 摩西、亞倫(兩都屬於利未支派)
East : Moses & Aaron (both belong to Levi tribe)
Judah tribe (the banner/standard of the camp)
Judah tribe (the banner/standard of the camp)
Issachar tribe
Zebulun tribe
Zebulun tribe
南 : 哥轄族(屬於利未支派)
South : Kohathites (belongs to Levi tribe)
Reuben tribe (the banner/standard of the camp)
Simeon tribe
Gad tribe
西 : 革順族(屬於利未支派)
West : Gershonites (belongs to Levi tribe)
Ephraim tribe (the banner/standard of the camp)
Manasseh tribe (belong to Joseph tribe)
Benjamin tribe (belong to Joseph tribe)
北 : 米拉利族(屬於利未支派)
North : Merarites (belongs to Levi tribe)
Dan tribe (the banner/standard of the camp)
Asher tribe
Naphtali tribe